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Micro Gold med Botox


Micro gold treatment

Micro Gold med Botox giver dig et smukkere, yngre og friskere udseende med minimeret porer samt glattere og mere jævn hudstruktur. Behandlingen er en eksklusiv behandling og blanding af Botox og medicinsk cocktail af vitaminer som er sammensat efter dine behov. Dette skubbes ind i huden med fine 24-karat guldbelagte nåle, hvorefter du vil opnå en markant forbedret hudtilstand. Nålene er lavet af titanium og er tyndere end de traditionelle micronåle, hvorfor du vil opleve en smertefri behandling.

The treatment will feel like a regular facial and ends with a delicious mask that cools the skin and gives it moisture. As the skin must be anesthetised, treated and moisturised, you can expect a treatment time of 30 minutes.

This is how you should behave before and after the treatment

Sun and solarium should be avoided at least 24 hours, preferably one week before Micro Gold treatment. In addition, the treatment area must be clean and free of all types of creams and other substances. On the same day the treatment is carried out, redness and slight swelling of the skin may be experienced. This usually goes away after a few hours. The face must not be washed/cleansed for the first 6 hours - and make-up must also be avoided for the first 6 hours after treatment.


If the sun is high in the sky, it is recommended to use factor 50 for two weeks after the treatment is carried out.

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